lack"> Patient Testimony
Stress and You: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Contains chapters from the new and revised book "Chronic Fatigue Unmasked 2000" and other "new information on matters related to CFS, CFIDS, fibromyalgia and all similar afflictions" by Dr. Gerald Poesnecker who believes that the adrenal gland plays a vital role in CFS.
DEALING WITH DOCTORS WHEN YOU HAVE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME by Camilla Cracchiolo, R.N. Copyright 1996. Camilla writes, "I wrote this as a reply to someone in a couple of years ago. It represents only my personal opinions and is not necessarily in accord with various official recommendations." Personally, I find her papers to be very helpful.
CFS & FMS: Fibromyalgia Syndrome Disability Issues by Disability Attorney Scott E. Davis.
CFS Far More Common than AIDS, Breast Cancer or Lung Cancer. Cambridge, Mass., October 10, 1998 — In a study to be released today, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers have found that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)[1] is a far greater public health problem than previously known.
Also, New York, Oct 15, 1998 (Reuters): "Chronic fatigue syndrome common in US." article. A Visit With Donavan. If you are a CFS patient and are subscribed to the CFS-L discussion group, then you must certainly have heard of and read many messages from a doctor on the list who is known to his readers as Donovan...
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from
ProHealth Inc is a valuable informational site offering an extensive treatment & research library, a free weekly email bulletin featuring the latest updates, support groups, a doctor locator, disability information, and more for people who wish to know more about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Fibromyalgia Network provides educational materials on fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A draft of Clinical Practice Guidelines on the evaluation of prolonged fatigue and the diagnosis and management of chronic fatigue syndrome from the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA). Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Lisa Lorden.
The CFIDS/M.E.. Information web page.
Co-Cure. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia information exchange forum.