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Filing For Disability
The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.
- Hubert H. Humphrey
The Social Security and Disability Resource Center website.
The Social Security and Disability Resource Center website (SSDRC.com) provides a detailed overview of how the federal disability system works (social security disability and SSI) and also provides answers to many questions that applicants typically have, but often have trouble finding answers to. For the most part, the site is based on the author's personal experience as a former disability-medicaid caseworker, and also as a former disability examiner for the social security administration.
Ultimate Social Security Disability Guide.
SSDI, SSI, How to Win, Information. Includes RFC forms.
Listing of Impairments
The Social Security Administration's Listing of Impairments. A section-by-section description of requirements for Social Security disability benefits for adults.
Listings of Impairments. An overview.
Winning Your Disability Case in Three Words: Frequency, Severity and Duration by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Completing Disability Forms: Five Critical Tips to Keep in Mind for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Patients
by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Winning Your Disability Case with the Help of Co-Workers, Family Members and Friends by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
How To Talk with your Physician about Supporting your Disability Claim by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim:
15 Mistakes You Can Not Afford to Make! by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Five Crucial Steps to Winning your CFS Disability Case by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Disability Claim Killers - What you don't know could be fatal to your Fibromyalgia and CFS claim! by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Why it is Important to Address Psychological Issues in your Chronic Pain Disability Case by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Win Your Disability Case by Obtaining Your Personnel File From Work by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Do You Need A Disability Attorney? Important Points to Consider by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Persevere on disability claims by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Earn More and Still Qualify for Disability, say Recent SSA Rules by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Can Someone Please Tell Me How Social Security Defines “Disability?” by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
SSDI: When Should You Hire an Attorney? by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Why CFS/FM Sufferers Lose Their SSDI Claims by Janet Mizrahi
Obtaining Disability Benefits: Can I Work after I Have Filed A Disability Claim? by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Disability Benefits: Can I Work After I Have Filed a Disability Claim (Part II)? by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Disability Benefits: How and When to Talk to Your Doctor by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Disability Benefits and Fibromyalgia: Getting Your Ducks Lined Up by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Social Security Disability: Two Compelling Reasons To File Your Claim by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Social Security Disability:Do I Qualify For Disability Benefits? by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Social Security Disability: How to Begin the Process by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Your Disability Insurance Questions Answered! by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Obtaining Disability Benefits - David versus Goliath? by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Five Crucial Steps to Winning your CFS Disability Case by Scott E. Davis, Esq.
Disability Benefits Primer.
CFS & FMS: Obtaining Disability Benefits - David versus Goliath? by Disability Attorney Scott E. Davis.
Providing Medical Evidence to the Social Security Administration for People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide for Health Professionals. SSA Pub. 64-063ICN 953800.
Social Security Disability Outline 2002/2003 by Douglas M. Smith, Attorney At Law.
Social Security Advisory Service
SSAS offers information about Social Security and its programs, but is not affiliated with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or any other agency. Key disability rulings, the latest SSA information, and the SSAS Newsletter make this a very informative site. Be sure to click the SSAS HotLinks button for an incredible listing of links to resources and information.
Helping Fibromyalgia Patients Obtain Social Security Disability. By Joshua Potter, Esq.
National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives
An association of over 3,000 attorneys and paralegals who represent Social Security and Supplemental Security Income claimants. This is a valuable resource for people who need help or information about Social Security benefit programs and obtaining representation.
The Social Security Administration
This is the Social Security Administration's own home page.
Social Security Information. Documentation of the Social Security Administration's adjudication of disability claims involving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Filing for Disability.
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Last Updated January 17, 2011 by Lois Randall