Elder Care
The Merck Manual of Geriatrics. "Providing the best geriatric care requires an extraordinarily large base of information--everything from internal medicine to pharmacology and dermatology to rehabilitation medicine and psychiatry. However, it also requires a different approach to care than many other areas of medical practice, one that coordinates care among physicians, nurses, social workers, therapists, pharmacists, and myriad other health professionals. Geriatric care also requires education for patients and caregivers. Therefore, we have attempted to create a truly interdisciplinary textbook that reflects the optimal approach to geriatric care. "
Pain in the Elderly. From the Merck Manual of Geriatrics. "Pain is one of the most common symptoms reported by the elderly during office visits. Elderly persons who present with pain often have multiple medical problems and many potential sources of the pain. Thus, diagnosis and treatment of pain are more difficult in elderly persons than in younger persons. Common complications of pain among the elderly include depression, fatigue, decreased socialization, sleep disturbance, impaired ambulation, deconditioning, gait disturbances, polypharmacy, and delayed rehabilitation. Pain management can be complicated by disability, limited resources, and lack of transportation."
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