Fibromyalgia: A Comprehensive Approach is a valuable site written by Miryam Ehrlich Williamson, an author of note and an authority on fibromyalgia. Follow her links, and watch for updates. Bookmark this site~!
A Physician's Guide to Fibromyalgia Syndrome by David A Nye, M.D.
The Patient's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia The revised and expanded edition of a self-help course textbook. Practical strategies you can use to take charge of your condition. Includes information on treatment options and techniques for controlling stress, managing emotions, exercising safely, building support and more. Written by Bruce Campbell, Ph.D., creator of the self-help program. Foreword by well-known CFS/FM physician Dr. Charles Lapp.
The Fibromyalgia Syndrome Patient's Guide by Dr. Johann Andreas Bauer. Information about fibromyalgia with a section on accupuncture points and quadrant pain. In PDF format.
National Fibromyalgia Partnership, Inc. NFP's mission is to make medically-accurate, quality resource information on fibromyalgia (FM) available to their membership, health care professionals, and the community-at-large. The organization has distinguished itself through the comprehensive, medically accurate information it offers and the unique vision with which it conceives new programs, products, and services to meet public needs.
Social Security Disability and Fibromyalgia Important information about how Social Security views fibromyalgia. It is helpful to understand how the disability process works in this regard and to consider how Social Security Examiners sometimes view applications where this illness is alleged. See: Applying for Disability with Fibromyalgia.
Misunderstood Malady. Fibromyalgia sufferers must deal with pain and negative feedback. By Joan Whitely, Las Vegas Review-Journal
The FIBROM-L Home Page is a web site with information about fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Go here for instructions about how to join Fibrom-l, a mailing list where you can find support and information about FMS.
Misdiagnosis of Fibromyalgia. "A diagnosis of fibromyalgia may be overlooked or delayed because some physicians and providers are not familiar with the disorder, and because it can be difficult to make a diagnosis.
CFS & FMS: Obtaining Disability Benefits - David versus Goliath? by Disability Attorney Scott E. Davis.
Doctor's Assessment Form for Fibromyalgia Patients by Dr. Devin Starlanyl.
Dr. St. Armand's White Papers on Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia & Myofacial Pain Info Pack.
Fibromyalgia Articles. Full text articles on fibromyalgia. Excellent resource~!
The Fibromyalgia Network provides educational materials on Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and related conditions. Quarterly newsletter.
Fibromyalgia Files Index Fibromyalgia articles and resources.
Fibromyalgia. Reprinted here with the permission of the author, Ann LeBlanc, is her first-hand account of her experience with fibromyalgia.
It's all in my body. On fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
Joy's Fibromyalgia Site where you will find great resources, support and links to other fibro sites.
Peter's Fibromyalgia & Personal Info Website. You'll find a lot of good FMS information on Peter's site. Be sure to click on the Fibromyalgia tab at the top of the page.