The content provided on this web site is for information purposes only. It is intended to provide educational material and is not designed to provide medical advice. Because medicine and healthcare practices are growing and changing rapidly, some of the information on these pages may have changed in some way or may be subject to debate. This web site does not provide professional medical or healthcare services. Please consult your own healthcare provider regarding any medical issues relating to diseases, conditions, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and side effects.
Lois Randall, Webmaster
The Intractable Pain Patient's Handbook for Survival by Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH. This Handbook is primarily intended for persons who have intractable pain (IP). It is based on the author’s years of education, research, and clinical experience, and is made available as a public service by Pain Treatment Topics. It does not take the place of advice from a qualified healthcare provider that addresses a particular patient’s pain disorder and/or medical needs.
Conquering Pain "New Discoveries and Treatments Offer Hope." Newsweek Magazine cover story, March 1, 1999.
Pain. A free collection of over 700 articles about pain published in The New York Times.
Personal Thoughts on Chronic Pain.
NACPAC. The North American Chronic Pain Association of Canada is a new site with a very broad wealth of information on chronic pain.
The American Chronic Pain Association home page is growing. Here is a dedicated non-profit organization with very good information to share with chronic pain sufferers.
NEW SITE: The Chronic Pain Relief Coalition is a group of citizens who seek to change the way chronic pain is often mismanaged and under treated. "Finding adequate treatment for long-term chronic pain is a serious problem in the U.S. The mission of the Chronic Pain Relief Coalition is to support legislative reform of drug policies, and to enact a national "Pain Patient's Bill of Rights."
Here is a Chronic Pain Scale that will help patients and their family and healthcare providers communicate and understand better about pain levels.
Who'll Stop the Pain? by Jacob Sullum.
Pain Inventory. Pain Research Group, Department of Neurology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The American Academy of Pain Medicine.
The Painful Dilemma. The Use of Narcotics for the Treatment of Chronic Pain.
Partners Against Pain.
Pain control guides, support groups, research, pain articles, and more. The Partners Against Pain website was created by Purdue, the pharmaceutical company "dedicated to providing the best possible care for people in pain."
The Five Stages of Grieving that Affect Chronic Pain Sufferers. By Rita Cowan, PhD.
Chronic Pain Solutions - A quarterly guide for Chronic Pain Sufferers
linking traditional and natural medical care.
The National Foundation for the Treatment of Pain - N.F.T.P - a non-profit corporation dedicated to secure social justice for pain patients, their families, their treating physicians, and for the community of which they are a part.
The Official Journal of the The Canadian Pain Society.
Stress and Pain Management - by the MindBody Training Centre.
Understanding Chronic Pain - by Robert Bennett, M.D., Professor of Medicine, OHSU.
Opioids in Chronic Nonmalignant Pain. In the Conrad Notes, R. Portenoy, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York City, proposes reappraising the traditional prescribing of opioid drugs.
The American Pain Society (APS) is a multidisciplinary educational and scientific organization dedicated to serving people in pain. The society was founded in 1978 as a national chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), and now includes more than 3,200 physicians, nurses, psychologists, dentists, scientists, pharmacologists, therapists and social workers who research and treat pain and advocate for patients with pain.
Ronald Melzac's article entitled, The Tragedy of Needless Pain, reprinted from the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. "Contrary to popular belief," the author says, "morphine taken solely to control pain is not addictive. Yet patients worldwide continue to be undertreated and to suffer unnecessary agony.
Pain and Rain: A Story. By Janet Mattingly.
Marcia E. Bedard, Ph.D., is a Professor of Women's Studies at California State University in Fresno, CA. Her Fact Sheet on Chronic Nonmalignant Pain addresses the very pressing issue of undertreatment of chronic nonmalignant pain in the United states and accurately refutes some of the myths that underlie prevailing social and political attitudes toward the chronic pain sufferer.
The Talarian Index. This is by far one of the best pain resources I have ever seen. It covers pain, meds, surgery, treatments, patient education and so much more. Bookmark it~!
Opioids and Chronic Non-malignant Pain:
A Clinicians' Handbook. A Clinicians' Handbook from the Oregon Health & Science University. View as HTML or PDF Files.
The Use of Opioids for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. A consensus statement from American Academy of Pain Medicine and American Pain Society.
Take a break and visit the Paine Ranch. Here people in pain and those who love them will find the comfort of home. Pain relief through guided imagery.
The American Academy of Pain Management Home Page. Use the National Pain Data Bank to see - from a patient database of over 8,500 cases - how certain treatments (i.e., "Epidurals") for various conditions (i.e., "Intervertebral Disk Disorders") affected improvement in activities in daily living and quality of life. Search for pain programs by zip code in the Pain Program Directory.
Chronic Pain Policy Coalition. A forum established in 2006 to unite patients, professionals and parliamentarians in a mission to develop an improved strategy for the prevention, treatment and management of chronic pain and its associated conditions im the UK.
American Academy of Neurology. for patients and professionals. Get answers to pressing questions regarding causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common neurologic disorders.
The Oxford Pain Internet Site. This site is for anyone with a professional or personal interest in pain and analgesia. It is firmly based in the principles of evidence-based medicine and has pulled together systematic reviews with pain as an outcome.
WebMD Newsletters. Sign up to receive WebMD Newsletters! Access to WebMD's award-winning content and health experts. Current and informative.
Comprehensive site on pain by The Worldwide Congress on Pain.
The Worldwide Congress on Pain is a comprehensive web site devoted to the specialty of pain management. This site contains a virtual library with nearly 2,000 articles on pain and pain management each searchable using a keyword system. New articles are added each week. The site also offers online CME/CE for physicians and nurses, professional forums and a pain expo featuring information on pain products and services.
Narcophobia. A CE Article as presented in Home Healthcare Nurse
February 2001, Volume 19, Number 2. Reprinted by The Chronic Syndrome Support Association, Inc. a partner of The FMS (fibromyalgia) Community.
The Anatomy and Physiology of Pain. This web-page assumes a basic knowledge of medicine. Discusses a definition of pain, pain pathways, the response to pain, and a brief note on opiates and their receptors.